Van Ree Engineering has a well equipped machine shop where we can make prototypes using the following tools :
- Weiler Primus lathe , max length 450mm , max diameter 150mm
- Emco 5 CNC lathe , max length 200mm , max diameter 50mm
- Hembrug shaper , 20-200mm stroke , max height 185mm , max travel width 190mm
- CNC router , 350mm (L) x 250mm (W) x 70mm (H) travel with high speed spindle
- Prusa Mini+ 3D printer , 180mm (L) x 180mm (W) x 180mm (H) build volume , we print the following and have in stock :
- Other materials such as ABS/ASA and flexible TPU can be printed but with longer turnover time
- Arbor press
- Arc welding , brasing and soldering equipment
- Various manual tools
Some pictures of our work can be found in the gallery